
Hi, I’m Shruti, and I write to explore how we can live better, more fulfilled, and joyful lives. I am a published author and researcher. I found my purpose to be of help to anyone who’s seeking a change in their own story. For anyone who’s seeking to revel in the rays of courage within them and rise above their fears to live their life to its fullest potential and with better mindset.

I am a life-long learner who is eager to explore the wisdom of philosophy and the depths of psychology; which I believe has the potential to make our life meaningful.

Words are powerful. They move people into action. They birth new ideas. They challenge you to think and ask questions. And they inspire you to look inward. To spark your light and create positive change for yourself.

Think about it: If we collectively learn how to be, think and do better, wouldn’t we become better together? And wouldn’t that go on to create a better world for all of us? I believe so, and I hope you do too.

My background is finance, marketing & behavioral research, and I hold a Master’s of Business Administration with corporate jobs experience.

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