
Let me say, it is not. People say being a mom is a career—a full-time job, right? Wrong. It is actually the equivalent of two and a half full-time jobs, according to a 2018 study. Except when you are sleeping, you are either on your toes or your mind is equipped to think of it.

Being a mom is more than just a title; it’s a full-time job that requires dedication, patience, and sacrifice. From the moment a child is born, a mother’s responsibilities begin, and they continue throughout the child’s life.

Whether you work or stay at home, motherhood is demanding and full-time. Working to support your family doesn’t mean you cease being a mother. Stay-at-home moms sometimes find it harder. Imagine socialising less. Imagine having screaming children in your home most days. Not all mothers want to work full-time. Some must work for child care and are better off not working financially. No matter what, motherhood is hard. It’s hard to be a mother when you yourself are exhausted.

Meeting Basic Needs

One of the primary responsibilities of being a mom is ensuring that a child’s basic needs are met. This includes providing them with nourishing meals, clean clothes, and a safe place to sleep. Mothers spend countless hours cooking meals, washing clothes, and tidying up to ensure their child’s comfort and well-being.

For example, imagine a typical morning in the life of a mom. She wakes up early to prepare breakfast for her family, making sure to include all the necessary nutrients to fuel their day. After breakfast, she helps her children get dressed, making sure they are warm and comfortable before heading out the door. Throughout the day, she juggles household chores, errands, and childcare duties, always putting her children’s needs first.

Emotional Support: Nurturing Their Hearts

In addition to meeting their physical needs, mothers also provide emotional support for their children. They offer love, comfort, and encouragement, helping their children navigate the ups and downs of life. Whether it’s comforting them after a bad dream or cheering them on at a sports game, mothers are always there for their children.

For instance, consider a mom consoling her child after they fall off their bike. She kneels down beside them, gently wiping away their tears and offering words of encouragement. She tells them that it’s okay to fall down sometimes and assures them that she will always be there to help them get back up again. With her love and support, her child feels safe and secure, knowing that they are never alone.

Teaching Life Skills: The Lessons That Last a Lifetime

Another crucial aspect of motherhood is teaching children important life skills. From tying their shoes to balancing a budget, mothers play a vital role in preparing their children for adulthood. They impart values such as honesty, kindness, and responsibility, shaping their child’s character and guiding them on the path to success. Also, there are times when you want to indulge yourself, have some me time, and forget about the worries of the world, but you cannot set the wrong example and never have a few moments of relief when your kids are around. You have to lead by example. If

For example, imagine a mom teaching her child how to ride the bus for the first time. She explains how to read the schedule, where to wait for the bus, and how to pay the fare. As they ride together, she points out landmarks and helps her child navigate the route. By the end of the trip, her child feels confident and empowered, knowing that they can travel independently thanks to their mom’s guidance.

Also read: How Upbringing Significantly Shapes Our Belief Systems?

Mastering Multitasking: Balancing Responsibilities

Being a mom requires mastering the art of multitasking. Mothers often juggle multiple tasks at once, from cooking dinner while helping with homework to answering work emails while soothing a crying baby. They somehow manage to keep everything running smoothly, all while maintaining a sense of calm and composure.

For instance, picture a mom preparing dinner for her family. She chops vegetables, stirs pots on the stove, and sets the table, all while keeping an eye on her children playing nearby. When her baby starts to cry, she quickly picks them up and rocks them back to sleep while continuing to cook with one hand. Despite the chaos, she manages to get dinner on the table, and her family gathers to enjoy a meal together.

Self-Care: Finding Time for Oneself

One of the biggest challenges of being a mom is finding time for oneself. Mothers often put their own needs last, prioritizing their children and family above all else. This can lead to feelings of exhaustion and burnout, but mothers continue to persevere because they love their children more than anything else in the world.

For example, consider a mom who wakes up before dawn to squeeze in a workout before her children wake up. She knows that exercise is essential for her physical and mental well-being, so she prioritizes it even when she’s tired and busy. Throughout the day, she steals moments for herself whenever she can, whether it’s taking a long shower or reading a few pages of a book before bed. Despite her busy schedule, she recognizes the importance of self-care and makes it a priority in her life.

Rewards of Motherhood: Unconditional Love and Joy

Despite the challenges, being a mom is incredibly rewarding. The bond between a mother and child is like no other, filled with unconditional love and endless joy. Seeing their child smile, hearing them laugh, and watching them grow and thrive brings a mother a sense of fulfillment and purpose that is unmatched by anything else in life. Those little mischiefs create pure joy and make you forget the worries of the world, and if any regrets of not being able to do other things are there, that gets soothed considerably.

For instance, imagine a mom watching her child graduate from high school. As she sits in the audience, tears of pride fill her eyes as she remembers all the milestones they’ve reached together. Despite the challenges they’ve faced along the way, she knows that every sacrifice was worth it to see her child succeed. In that moment, she feels an overwhelming sense of pride and joy, knowing that she played a crucial role in shaping the person her child has become.

Also read: Understanding the Shift Towards Smaller Family Sizes: Exploring the “Child-Free” Movement


In conclusion, being a mom is indeed a full-time job. It requires dedication, patience, and sacrifice, but it is also incredibly rewarding. Mothers play a crucial role in their child’s life, providing love, support, and guidance every step of the way. They are true superheroes, and their love knows no bounds. Despite the challenges they face, mothers continue to persevere because they know that the rewards of motherhood are worth every sacrifice. It is very important for others to recognise it and empathise if other roles are compromised for a few years, like career and marital roles.

Suggested readings:

“The Mom Factor: Dealing with the Mother You Had, Didn’t Have, or Still Contend With” by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

Strong Mothers, Strong Sons: Lessons Mothers Need to Raise Extraordinary Men” by Meg Meeker, M.D.

“The Joy of Missing Out: Live More by Doing Less” by Tonya Dalton

Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting” by Dr. Laura Markham