Nice to daughter, but not to DIL. In the end, read what to do if nothing works out

Imagine a warm, sunny day, The sound of laughter fills the air as a mother and her daughter share a special bond that only they can understand. The love between them is undeniable and heartwarming. Now, picture the same mother in a different scenario, where she is with her daughter-in-law. The atmosphere is tense, and their conversations are a mix of subtle jabs and unsolicited advice. The contrast in these relationships can be baffling.

Why does the same mother treat her daughter and daughter-in-law so differently? The answer lies in the complex world of human behavior and psychological concepts. In this blog post, we will delve into these concepts, shedding light on the reasons behind the loving relationship with the daughter and the often harsh treatment of the daughter-in-law.

By understanding the underlying factors, we aim to bring clarity and hopefully create a bridge to foster better relationships between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law around the world.

The Role of Social Conditioning and Expectations

Social Conditioning

Norms and expectations set by society shape us from a young age. Mothers are often conditioned to believe that their role is to nurture and protect their children. This creates a strong bond between a mother and her offspring. The daughter, on the other hand, grows up observing her mother’s behavior, absorbing the same social conditioning.

When a daughter gets married and becomes a daughter-in-law, the mother-in-law may still hold onto the belief that her role is to guide and instruct the new family member. This can create a dynamic where the daughter-in-law feels scrutinized and judged, leading to a strained relationship.

It’s essential to recognize that social conditioning plays a vital role in shaping our behavior and expectations within family dynamics. By understanding this concept, we can begin to challenge and change these ingrained beliefs to foster healthier relationships.

Expectations and Comparisons

Mothers often have high expectations for their children, and this can extend to their daughters-in-law. They may expect the daughter-in-law to fulfill the same roles and responsibilities as their daughter, which can create tension if the daughter-in-law has a different upbringing, background, or beliefs.

Moreover, the mother-in-law may compare her daughter-in-law to her daughter, consciously or unconsciously. This comparison can lead to feelings of inadequacy and resentment from the daughter-in-law, further straining the relationship.

To overcome this hurdle, it’s crucial for both the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to communicate openly and honestly about their expectations and find common ground to build a strong and loving relationship.

The Influence of Attachment Styles and Fear of Loss

Attachment Styles

Attachment styles are patterns of behavior that stem from our early childhood experiences with our caregivers. These styles influence how we connect with others and navigate relationships throughout our lives. A secure attachment style, for instance, is characterized by trust, empathy, and the ability to form healthy relationships.

If a mother-in-law has a secure attachment style, she may find it easier to build a loving relationship with her daughter-in-law. However, if her attachment style is insecure, she may struggle with trust and feel threatened by the new relationship her son has formed with his wife. This insecurity can manifest as harsh treatment or criticism towards the daughter-in-law.

By understanding our attachment styles and working towards building secure attachments, we can improve our relationships with others, including our daughters-in-law.

Fear of Loss

At the core of many strained relationships between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the fear of loss. Mothers may fear losing their connection with their child, especially if they have a close relationship with their son. This fear can be heightened when a new daughter-in-law enters the family.

This fear can manifest in various ways, such as attempting to micromanage the couple’s life, criticizing their choices, or even undermining the daughter-in-law’s authority within the family unit.This behavior can create a self-fulfilling prophecy, causing the son to distance himself from his mother to protect his wife.

Recognizing and addressing the fear of loss can help mothers-in-law create a more harmonious relationship with their daughters-in-law, ultimately strengthening their bond with their child.

Building Bridges: Fostering Healthy Relationships

Empathy and Understanding

One of the most powerful tools to foster healthy relationships is empathy. By putting ourselves in another’s shoes, we can better understand their feelings, perspectives, and experiences. Mothers-in-law can benefit from empathizing with their daughters-in-law, realizing that they, too, are navigating a new and complex family dynamic.

Daughters-in-law can also practice empathy, acknowledging the challenges their mothers-in-law face in adjusting to a new family member. By understanding each other’s emotions, both parties can cultivate a more loving and supportive relationship.

Open Communication

Open and honest communication is the key to resolving conflicts and building strong relationships. Both mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law should feel comfortable expressing their feelings, needs, and expectations without fear of judgment or repercussion.

By fostering a safe space for communication, both parties can address any issues that arise and work together to find solutions. This collaborative approach can help create a more harmonious and loving relationship between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law.

Embrace Change and Growth

Finally, it’s essential to recognize that change and growth are inevitable in any relationship. As individuals grow and evolve, so do their relationships. Mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law can use this natural progression to strengthen their bond and build a more loving connection. By embracing change and committing to personal growth, both parties can create a more stable and supportive family environment that benefits everyone involved.

What if the relationship is still toxic?

Let’s have a scenario, which I am sure many would be going through already. You tried everything, but nothing worked. Now what?

Dealing with a toxic relationship with a mother-in-law can be incredibly challenging, especially when past attempts at communication and reconciliation have failed. If you’re at a point where you’re no longer on speaking terms and have exhausted efforts to patch things up, it may be time to consider strategies for protecting your well-being and maintaining peace in your life. Here are some practical steps and escape routes to manage this situation:

1. Set Firm Boundaries

Establish clear and firm boundaries regarding interactions with your mother-in-law. This could include limiting the frequency of visits, restricting certain topics of conversation, or avoiding one-on-one encounters.

Actionable Steps:

  • Discuss with your spouse: Ensure your spouse understands and supports your need for boundaries. Their support is crucial in enforcing these limits.
  • Communicate boundaries clearly: If necessary, communicate your boundaries directly to your mother-in-law or through your spouse.
  • Consistency: Consistently uphold these boundaries to avoid any confusion or breaches.

2. Create Physical and Emotional Distance

Sometimes, reducing the amount of contact is necessary to protect your mental health.

Actionable Steps:

  • Limit visits: Reduce the number of in-person visits and interactions. Opt for public settings if you must meet to minimize potential conflicts.
  • Avoid direct communication: Use your spouse as a mediator for necessary communications.
  • Protect your space: If she visits your home frequently, set specific times and conditions under which visits are acceptable.

3. Focus on Self-Care

Ensure you are taking care of your mental and emotional health. Toxic relationships can be draining, so it’s important to prioritize self-care.

Actionable Steps:

  • Therapy: Consider seeking therapy to process your emotions and develop coping strategies.
  • Support network: Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who can provide a listening ear and advice.
  • Hobbies and relaxation: Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation to offset the stress of the toxic relationship.

4. Involve Your Spouse

Your spouse plays a critical role in managing the dynamics with your mother-in-law. Their support can significantly influence the outcome.

Actionable Steps:

  • Unified front: Work with your spouse to present a united front. They should support you in setting and enforcing boundaries.
  • Communication: Have open and honest conversations with your spouse about how the relationship with your mother-in-law affects you.
  • Intervention: If necessary, ask your spouse to intervene directly to address any unacceptable behavior from your mother-in-law.

5. Seek Mediation or Counseling

If direct communication has failed, professional mediation or family counseling can sometimes help resolve deep-seated issues.

Actionable Steps:

  • Professional mediator: Engage a professional mediator who can facilitate a constructive conversation and help resolve conflicts.
  • Family therapy: Suggest family therapy sessions that include your spouse and mother-in-law to work through the issues in a controlled environment.

6. Minimize Shared Events

Limit your participation in family events where your mother-in-law will be present. This helps reduce the chances of conflict and stress.

Actionable Steps:

  • Select events wisely: Only attend events that are crucial or where you feel comfortable.
  • Short visits: If you must attend, consider making your visit short and leaving early if necessary.
  • Alternative plans: Have alternative plans ready in case the situation becomes too uncomfortable or toxic.

7. Consider No Contact

In extreme cases where the relationship is highly toxic and detrimental to your well-being, you may need to consider a no-contact approach.

Actionable Steps:

  • Inform your spouse: Clearly communicate your decision and the reasons behind it to your spouse.
  • Implement no-contact: Stop all forms of communication and avoid gatherings where your mother-in-law will be present.
  • Maintain distance: Stay firm in your decision and maintain the distance to protect your mental health.

Also read: Bonded By Love, Burdened By Fear: Parental Insecurity from in-laws


Dealing with a toxic mother-in-law is a complex and emotionally taxing experience. When efforts to mend the relationship have failed, it’s crucial to prioritize your well-being and establish boundaries. Whether through setting firm limits, seeking support from your spouse, or even considering no-contact, the focus should be on maintaining your mental health and ensuring a peaceful environment for yourself and your family. Remember, it’s okay to take steps to protect yourself from toxicity, even if it involves difficult decisions.

In conclusion, understanding the underlying psychological and behavioral concepts that influence the dynamics between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can help both parties navigate these complex relationships. By practicing empathy, open communication, and embracing change, mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law can foster a more loving and supportive bond that benefits the entire family.

Suggested reading

  1. Toxic In-Laws: Loving Strategies for Protecting Your Marriage” by Susan Forward
  2. “The Daughter-in-Law Rules: 101 Surefire Ways to Manage (and Make Friends with) Your Mother-in-Law!” by Sally Shields
  3. Mothers-in-Law and Daughters-in-Law: Understanding the Relationship and What Makes Them Friends or Foe” by Deborah Merrill
  4. Why Emotional Intelligence Matters More Than You Think?
One thought on “Breaking Free: Finding Peace from a Toxic Mother-in-Law”
  1. […] Conflict Resolution: Family norms and experiences influence how individuals perceive and handle conflicts within a marriage. Observing conflict resolution strategies within their own families can shape their approach to resolving conflicts in their own relationships. Families that encourage healthy communication and negotiation skills may contribute to effective conflict resolution in marriages. Also Read Unraveling the Complex Relationship Dynamics: Mother in Law, Daughter, and Daughter in Law […]

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